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Norman Harrison

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Norman Harrison earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Texas, a Master of Arts degree from Michigan State University, and a Master of Science from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Harrison served 26 years as a US Navy aviator. He now works as an associate professor of aeronautics for Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, European region. He continues to live in Taormina, Italy.  Norman Harrison is the author of The Entity and Tarnished Wings.

According to the book description of The Entity, “From 24 to 28 January 2000, the NSA supercomputer failed. What happened was only the beginning . . . On 30 January, under the heading 'NSA System Inoperative for Four Days', Walter Pinkus wrote the following in the 'Washington Post': "From the evening of 24 January through early 28 January 2000, 'the main computers of the National Security Agency failed, causing an unprecedented blackout of information,' officials said on 29 January". The cause of this mysterious event has never been revealed. What may have happened during these four days forms the genesis for this thriller. An 86-year-old scientist is brutally murdered in Plattsburgh, NY. During the investigation, FBI Agent Young asks the obvious question: What was it that he knew that was so important? Agent Young meets with a retired scientist who is in hiding. He is the sole survivor of the team of four scientists who worked on a top secret military project. One question remains unanswered: Why is their project so heavily classified that no one in the FBI or NSA can learn the nature of their work more than forty years later? 'The Entity' is a highly original techno-thriller. The fast-paced action takes the story to Paris, London, Sicily, Washington DC, Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles and the deserts of New Mexico and Nevada.”

According to the book description of Tarnished Wings, “When Brad Conners enters Navy flight training he never expects to meet a young woman who will turn his world upside down. Like Brad, Lilli Foster has never known love. During flight training, Brad's grades suffer. When it appears certain he will wash out of flight program, Lilli gives him a silver crucifix. When he tries to refuse to accept the gift, she insists he keep it, telling him it will bring him good luck. She claims the crucifix has no special meaning to her, a lie as it is her most precious possession. It is the only link to her father, a man she has never seen in her life. Lilli dreads the day that Brad will leave Pensacola for advanced flight training in Texas. She fears that will be the day he walks out of her life for good.”

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