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John T. Kuehn

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Agents of Innovation: The General Board and the Design of the Fleet that Defeated the Japanese Navy (Blue Jacket Bks)
John T. Kuehn  More Info

Eyewitness Pacific Theater: Firsthand Accounts of the War in the Pacific from Pearl Harbor to the Atomic Bombs
John T. Kuehn  More Info

Commander John T. Kuehn, USN (ret.), is a former naval aviator who retired as a commander from the U.S. Navy in 2004. He holds a PhD in military history from Kansas State University and teaches at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College in Fort Leavenworth (Kansas).  John T. Kuehn is the author of Eyewitness Pacific Theater: Firsthand Accounts of the War in the Pacific from Pearl Harbor to the Atomic Bombs and Agents of Innovation: The General Board and the Design of the Fleet that Defeated the Japanese Navy


According to the book description of Eyewitness Pacific Theater: Firsthand Accounts of the War in the Pacific from Pearl Harbor to the Atomic Bombs, it “tells the remarkable story of U.S. operations in the Pacific during World War II by documenting the experiences of the men and women who were stationed there. Written by award-winning author D.M. Giangreco and venerable Commander John T. Kuehn, this volume is illustrated with hundreds of contemporary photos, including wartime pictures of the veterans themselves. Bringing the full force of personal recollections home to the reader, Eyewitness Pacific Theater is accompanied by a full-length compact disc of interviews produced by Emmy Award-winning historical documentarians Rob Lihani and Rob Kirk in collaboration with First Person Productions. Listen to dramatic tales in the voices of the Allied soldiers, sailors, airmen, and medical personnel as they recount the tragedies and triumphs of life during wartime in the Pacific Theater.


According to the book description of Agents of Innovation: The General Board and the Design of the Fleet that Defeated the Japanese Navy, “the author examines the influence of the General Board of the U.S. Navy as an agent of innovation in the years between the world wars. A formal body established by the secretary of the Navy, the General Board served as the organizational nexus for the interaction between fleet design and the naval limitations imposed on the Navy by treaty. Particularly important, Kuehn argues, was the Board's role in implementing the Washington Naval Treaty, which limited naval armaments after 1922. Kuehn explains that the leadership of the Navy at large and the General Board in particular felt themselves especially constrained by Article XIX of the Washington Naval Treaty, which implemented a status quo on naval fortifications in the western Pacific.”

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