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Eugene Franklin Clark

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Commander Eugene Franklin Clark, USN (ret.) is the author of The Secrets of Inchon: The Untold Story of the Most Daring Covert Mission of the Korean War.


Publisher’s Weekly said of The Secrets of Inchon: The Untold Story of the Most Daring Covert Mission of the Korean War, “Prolific historian Fleming (The Officers' Wives, etc.) was researching an article on Inchon when he interviewed the widow of Clark, a naval officer on General MacArthur's intelligence staff who died in 1998, about his role in intelligence gathering for the amphibious landing at Inchon Harbor an operation that turned the tide of the Korean War. She in turn produced the manuscript of this book from a safe deposit box, and the result is this workmanlike yet compelling memoir, written in the early '50s, soon after Clark's return. Clark volunteered for a mission that eventually included a naval skirmish between Korean junks, a commando raid on a communist-held island to capture prisoners and free imprisoned civilians, an infantry engagement with communist infiltrators, and Clark's takeover of a harbor lighthouse to light the fleet's way for the eventual invasion. Sympathetic observations on Korean culture are augmented by misconceptions, and extensive descriptions of tactics and reconstructed dialogue can be wearing. Yet this is a self-effacing account that openly acknowledges mistakes and misgivings, and Clark, who studied law at Princeton, learned Japanese and was eventually awarded the Silver Star, an oak leaf cluster and the Navy Cross, has considerable powers of observation that are apparent throughout. The use of "covert" in the subtitle is a bit puzzling, since the North Koreans were aware of Clark's presence in Inchon Harbor the entire time he was there, but this is a solid memoir of an important Korean War battle.”

Secrets Of Inchon: The Untold Story Of The Most Daring Covert Mission Of The Korean War
Franklin Clark  More Info

According to the MOAA, “In August of 1950, as the North Korean army swept through the Republic of South Korea, Douglas MacArthur proposed a brilliant but stupendously risky plan that would change the course of the war. MacArthur chose 39-year old lieutenant Clark for a two-week commando mission deep behind enemy lines. Discovered by the Communists, Clark's reconnaissance became a dazzling series of night raids, firefights, and naval battles between armed junk ships. Clark wrote of these events as a keepsake for his wife and children, and to memorialize the valor of the Korean men and women who helped him achieve his objective. His story is an electrifying narrative, shot through with tension and intrigue and told with a crisp eloquence that reveals Clark as a man of action and a keen observer with a clear understanding of the significance of what he was trying to accomplish.”

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