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Robert L. Bryan

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Robert L. Bryan retired as a Captain from the New York City Police Department after a twenty-year career with the NYPD and NYC Transit Police Department. Bryan also spent two years as a Border Patrol Agent assigned to the Mexican border. Additionally, he served eight years in the US Coast Guard Reserve as a Port Security Specialist. Currently, Bryan is the Chief Security Officer at a NYS government facility and is also a adjunct professor at a New York College teaching courses in physical security. Captain Robert L. Bryan is the author of Dark Knights:  The Dark Humor of Police Officers.

According to the book description of Dark Knights:  The Dark Humor of Police Officers, "There is nothing quite like the police officer sense of humor.  The police are seen as many things to many people; protectors, law enforcers, upstanding citizens, but rarely, if ever, are they seen as funny. However, when one stops to think about it for a second, it becomes clear that police officers must come across some of the craziest, most eccentric, and most unexpected aspects of everyday society as a fundamental part of their job. If only a police officer with a sense of humor decided to write some of their best stories down…?

That’s exactly what Robert L. Bryan does best. As a former NYC cop, Bryan’s been in the thick of it for most of his career, treading the thin blue line between civility and chaos. Along the way, he’s come across some seriously bizarre characters, and some even more bizarre situations. Sometimes, a man has just got to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, and with his talent for turning a phrase and spinning a good yarn, Dark Knights: The Dark Humor of Police Officers spins plenty of hilarious shaggy dog stories which range from the horrifyingly funny to the downright weird.

Dark Knights: The Dark Humor of Police Officers manages to not just be a fantastic piece of light entertainment for those curious about the laughs within the force, it also offers a truly fascinating insight into some of the more unexpected aspects of the job. What happens when inexperienced police officers are put in front of a riot, and are told to act as if they were seasoned professionals? Where do most police officers’ breaking points lie? Do male and female police officers react differently to different situations… and what happens if and when they do? This darkly funny and somewhat twisted collection of tales and memories will not only make you laugh, it will also get you thinking about the role the police have in society today, and where the force needs reform, reevaluation, and outright applause."

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