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Thomas Hetherington

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Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Hetherington, USA (ret.) is the author of We Walked Out.  According to the book description, “All six of my unit’s officers are either dead or missing in action. My battalion headquarters has been destroyed by Chinese infiltrators. We are trapped twenty miles behind the front lines of an attacking Chinese force.” First Sergeant Matt Clark of “B” Battery, 83rd Artillery Battalion calls a meeting of his non-commissioned officers. “It looks like we have a tough job cut out for us. Let’s get our ducks in order and get the hell out of here.” Over the next twelve days, moving as an independent unit, he manages to bring fifty-one able-bodied men and sixteen walking wounded to the safety of a British infantry brigade. Moving only at night, they manage to go cross country through an area controlled by the Chinese for six consecutive days and nights. They have to destroy a forward Chinese command post in order to make the final break through to freedom.”

We Walked Out
Tom Hetherington  More Info

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