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Kincheon H. (Bert) Bailey

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Lieutenant Colonel Kincheon H. (Bert) Bailey, USA (ret.) “graduated from the USMA at West Point. NY 5Jun45. Graduating in the top 10% of his class in English, spelling, grammar and writing were simple chores for him. Friends came to him for help in writing resumes, book reports, etc. With the Gunnery Department at Fort Sill, OK, he helped rewrite FM6-40 Field Artillery Gunnery. He rewrote battalion tests, improving grading techniques to more nearly assure accurate grading. Retiring from the US Army in 1966, he obtained an MS degree at Penn State in ’67 and DEd (with EE Minor) at NCSU in 75. An EE technology instructor at Wake Tech CC in Raleigh for 25 years, after retiring from the US Army, wrote many technical articles for professional magazines. Lieutenant Colonel Kincheon H. (Bert) Bailey is the author of Firing and Flying for the Field Artillery in Korea.

Firing and Flying for the Field Artillery in Korea
Kincheon H Bailey  More Info

According to the book description of Firing and Flying for the Field Artillery in Korea, “This book should appeal to anyone who has heard of our Field Artillery but knows very little about how it earned its laurels as the greatest killer on the battlefield. How come? Everybody has heard and read about the glamorous Air Force and its fiery napalm, the Navy with its huge 16" guns blazing away, and the Marines winning ALL the battles. So what's with this Field Artillery? Those who have, served in Field Artillery units will enjoy reliving their experiences on the guns, plotting in the FOC, observing and adjusting artillery fire. They might find interest In the more technical side of gunnery as outlined In the appendices. But weapons, guns and methods used by the FA In Korea have changed. More is done with computers and the day of the "puddlejumping" L-planes has gone. There is more sophistication and what type of warfare we will wage tomorrow is not clear today. But the way any type of war will be won, hopefully by the USA and Its allies, will depend on the same attributes possessed 'by fighters before even the Greeks and the Romans as can be gleaned from reading between the lines of this book, viz. belief In God and Country, devotion to strong family and freedom plus possession of the heavier artillery. Read on!”

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