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Jon Heavey

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Dr. Jon Heavey, USA “served as an infantry battalion surgeon with the 101st Airborne Division and Walter Reed Army Medical Center. He was awarded the Bronze Star for interventions on 13 critically wounded soldiers. He is a graduate of Yale business school, where Daddy Warbucks also happened to study.”  Dr. Jon Heavey is the author of The Guardian Class: How a Couple Battle Buddies Challenged Washington's Elite.

According to the book description of The Guardian Class: How a Couple Battle Buddies Challenged Washington's Elite, “Guardian Class explores two seemingly separate subjects—war profits and humanitarian relief—to highlight the inexplicably absurd realities of Washington. Inspired by a small group of infantry medics, the story revolves around their effort to evacuate children from Iraq and Afghanistan for medical care. Skirting government restrictions, the soldiers challenge the most powerful CEOs in America to match their efforts. In so doing, they bypass befuddled authorities in an adventure that is inspiring and hilariously inappropriate.”


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