John M. Sparks

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John M. Sparks "was raised in Detroit, Michigan and graduated from Cooley High School in 1958.  He received a Bachelor Degree in Education from Eastern Michigan in 1974 and a Master’s Degree in Education from Wayne State University in 1980. His military experience includes serving in the Navy Air Force Reserves 1957-59 and the Army Reserves from 1976-87. John is married, and with his wife, they raised two daughters and helped raise two grandsons. While working at Ford Motor he taught evening high school classes and after retirement, taught at a high school alternative education program and at two Business Colleges as an adjunct instructor."

John said of his writing, “My Dad’s life and his experiences as a Detroit Policeman motativated me to write, In 1928 Immigrant’s Son becomes a Policeman. This story was based on my memories of stories I heard while growing up and my own personal experiences.

Several years after I wrote my first story, I found three of my father’s notebooks dated 1948.  After reading his notebooks it made me aware of my Fathers’ ideas about the future and the depth of his interpretation of social disorders, which motivated me to write, “The Vision and Prophecies of a Patrolman written in 1948.” I found out my father, besides being a policeman was a Preacher and Prophet. I started with his recording of Jesus’ life because he was a devoted Christian.  I included many quotes Michael made from the bible and about the history and the problems of Christian Churches.  The Christian religion gave birth to our laws here in America. He felt a struggle after WW2 was beginning with our legal system because many in the government and in the public question the Christian beliefs. This lack of belief was leading to changes in the laws of our country. Our new laws would be either the law reason law or the law of will. I felt it important to include what Michael witnessed one night in 1941.  He felt blessed to have seen the trinity, I included his drawing of what he saw.  In the last chapter I labeled as the World’s mysteries, I felt what he wrote here was an appropriate end to his story. 

John M. Sparks is the author of In 1928 Immigrant's Son becomes a Policeman and The Vision and Prophecies of a Detroit Patrolman written in 1948.








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