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James A. Scott

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Lieutenant Colonel James A. Scott, USA (ret.) is the author of The Iran Contradictions.  According to the book description it is a  “fine novel of suspense that reads almost like nonfiction in its authenticity.  The opener: a former White House staffer is kill trying to warn the president of a sinister conspiracy. The bait: a Beirut hostage and a Vietnam War secret worth millions. The plan: steal the money, kill the witnesses, frame the US president. The story: a rocket ride of daring-do, deception and death as the good guys and gals match wits with cunning women, cool assassins, shady Swiss bankers, and agents from the Pentagon, CIA, FBI, Treasury, and Vietnamese intelligence.”


James Barnes (editor, said of The Iran Contradictions, “Abuse of military power, murder and mayhem, crooked government agents, and a U.S. President on the verge of impeachment. Just another day in Washington, D.C., right? But the Iran-Contra scandal occurred in the 1980's at the height of the Reagan Administration's power and popularity. Was the President nearly taken down as a scapegoat? Was he a power broker or a pawn? Twenty years later, Iran-Contra remains the most intriguing, unsolved mystery of twentieth-century U.S. politics, and the identities behind it are still a secret.

The Iran Contradiction
Scott. James A.  More Info


Tightly woven around actual events, The Iran Contradictions brings the scandal to life in a flurry of violence and international intrigue, as author and retired Army officer James Scott tells the tale in heart-stopping fashion, letting the tension build with each new betrayal and breakthrough. His sultry women, lethal hit men and their high-tech tools of destruction are worthy of James Bond and "M." The book's hero, ex-CIA agent Ed Holloway, is a hard-boiled "consultant" with a steel-trap mind and a soft heart, and his loyalty to the President costs him the lives of his best friends -- and nearly his own.


Classic spy novel backdrops of Washington, Geneva, and the French Riviera are spiced up by a gritty flashback to the fall of Saigon, resurrecting its sights, sounds and smells with intense realism. The plot twists and turns while the characters double and triple-cross each other, until it all crashes together at the end with only a few left standing. The Iran-Contradictions provides a new perspective on the arms-for-hostage deal and the men and women involved. Scott's premise turns conventional explanations of the affair upside down, while offering a thoroughly entertaining read.”

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