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Harold Baumgarten

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Harold Baumgarten “was drafted at eighteen years old, and his first assignment was with the 116th Infantry Regiment/29th Infantry Division. On the morning of June 6, 1944, Baumgarten landed in front of the Vierville draw at the Dog Green Sector of Omaha Beach. In the hours that followed, he was wounded four times as he worked his way up the bluffs at Omaha Beach. While on a stretcher awaiting evacuation, Baumgarten was wounded a fifth time, a nearly fatal wound.”  Harold Baumgarten is the author of D-day Survivor: An Autobiography.


According to the book description of D-day Survivor: An Autobiography, “It was the bravery and heroism of the 116th Infantry that began one of the longest days of combat in American war history. In the face of heavy fire and despite suffering the loss of eight hundred men and officers, the 116th Infantry overcame beach obstacles, took the enemy-defended positions along the beach and cliffs, pushed through the mined area, and continued inshore to successfully accomplish their objective.


Dr. Harold Baumgarten, a multidecorated survivor, gives his eyewitness account of the first wave landing of the 116th Infantry on D-Day, June 6, 1944. As the spokesman for soldiers who perished on the sand and bloody red waters of the Dog Green Sector of Omaha Beach, it is his mission to make sure these men are never forgotten.”

D-day Survivor: An Autobiography
Harold Baumgarten  More Info

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