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W. L. George Collins

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Major W. L. George Collins, USAF (ret.) is the author of Into Fields of Fire.  According to the book description, “This story is taken from notes Austin “Buck” Buchanan wrote in notebooks he carried in his pocket all during World War II. “Buck” is no longer with us. Collins edited and compiled “Buck’s” notes into a manuscript that became this book. Here you will ride with “Buck” as he flies his plane through a field of fire so intense that one shell blows a hole in the plane big enough for a man to go through and uncountable bullet holes perforated the plane. All aircraft controls are shot out except elevator and ailerons. You will ride with him as he manages to complete his mission and bring his barely flying plane back to England. And you will ride with him through hundreds more such harrowing trips, in his C-47 with no armor plate and no guns, into other fields of fire, and often impossible weather.”

Into Fields Of Fire
W. L. George Collins  More Info

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