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Sam McGowan

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Sam McGowan, USAF, “is a retired commercial pilot, an author of numerous magazine articles on military and other subjects. During the Vietnam War, he served as a crewmember on USAF C-130s flying highly classified missions over North Vietnam and Laos. Sam McGowan is the author of The Cave and The C-130 Hercules: Tactical Airlift Missions, 1956-1975.

According to the book description of The Cave, it “tells the story of Samuel Tobin Carter, a twenty-year-old US Air Force C-130 crewmember who is shot down while on a classified mission over Laos in 1966. A Tennessee native with long experience and curiosity about caves, Carter knows that Laos is a "karst region," an area characterized by limestone at the surface and honeycombed with caves. Immediately after his shoot-down, he sets out to find a cave in which to hide. Carter not only finds the cave, he finds more – the means by which to wage his own personal war against the North Vietnamese, particularly the antiaircraft gunners who had shot him down. The authors borrows from his own experiences as an enlisted C-130 aircrew member during the Vietnam War and the many happy hours he spent later in his life exploring the vast underground world of northeastern Kentucky.”

The Cave
Sam McGowan  More Info
The C-130 Hercules: Tactical Airlift Missions, 1956-1975
Sam McGowan  More Info

One reader of The Cave, said, “Being a former C-130 B/E Loadmaster, The Cave brought back many memories. I would highly recommend this book for former Loadmasters, Air Force and general military enthusiast. It was great reading. I had a trip to Minneapolis and read the book during the trip. I did not want to put the book down, because I wanted to see what was in the next chapter. Sam, keep up the good work, you do have the gift.”

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