Robert S. Stering

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Robert S. Stering served in the United States Air Force from 1968 to 1972.  He enlisted again, in the USAF(R) in 1982.  He served as a Special Agent for the Air Force Office of Special Investigation; and, was honorably discharged as an E-5 in 1985.  In addition to his military service, Robert S. Stering was a police officer for the Waltham Police Department (Massachusetts) for 25 years.


Robert S. Stering has a Masters degree in Criminal Justice and is a certified criminal intelligence analyst.  In addition to his writing, Rob Stering is an adjunct professor for several colleges teaching Profiling Serial Offenders, Crime Analysis, Intelligence Analysis, Introduction to Terrorism and other courses.  He is also a consultant to the Municipal Police Training Committee (Massachusetts) as the state coordinator for patrol procedures.


His first book, a Police Officer's Handbook “provides you with an understanding of the situations, problems, and conflicts that police officers face daily. This is an indispensable resource for law enforcement students and professionals. The Police Officer's Handbook is divided into two parts. Part One discusses what police officers do and how they accomplish their tasks. It also takes a closer look at the role of the police officer today. Part Two offers you an opportunity to put yourself into the role of the police officer. Through scenarios you will examine some of the day-to-day incidents that police officers face on the street. After reading this text, you will gain practical knowledge and understand how to resolve a variety of conflicts.”


Robert S. Stering’s second book, Imagen: A Serial Killer Leaves Puzzling Clues, is a fictional work that takes the reader inside the mind of both the killer and the victim.  According to the book description, “A serial killer is stalking the community. He leaves subtle clues. Or are they? The murders are perfect, the clues and evidence left, break all traditional investigative formalities. The book is unique in the way you interpret the emotions. With a clever switching of tenses, the author allows you the reader to be the victim and the killer. You feel the pain, and emotions of the victim. You experience the excitement, the thoughts and the reasoning of the Killer. Both visions bring you to the point of death. With the author’s experiences and knowledge of the field, the book offers a close-up and front seat realistic view of the investigative process.”

Police Officer's Handbook: An Introductory Guide
Robert S. Stering  More Info

Imagen: A Serial Killer Leaves Puzzling Clues
Rob S. Stering  More Info

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