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Timothy G. Davis

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Timothy G. Davis is a former US Army Airborne Ranger. He is the author of The Southern Cross; Copper Penny; and, Day of the Ranger.


According to the book description of The Southern Cross, “Since before the Panama Canal was constructed, America has enjoyed a strong presence throughout Latin America. With military spending cuts and focusing more on the Middle East and the Balkans, this stabilizing presence has been critically reduced. The once dominant Southern Command is now headquartered in Florida. The region below the Rio Grande is ripe for widespread revolution: peasant uprisings in Mexico; civil war in Guatemala; thirty thousand demobilized soldiers and guerrillas in El Salvador; border disputes with Honduras; riots in Nicaragua; heavy rebel fighting along the Colombian and Panamanian border; rampant drug smuggling with drug lords protected by armies of mercenaries.


As the U.S. has pulled out, the Japanese have quietly moved in, buying up mineral rights from Mexico to Venezuela. Potentially rich oil fields have been discovered that could make its owners completely independent of Western Trade, not to mention immense wealth and power. Out of the flames of the invasion of Panama, one conspiracy was destroyed. But now, it is about to come full circle.”


According to the book description of Copper Penny, “There’s a belief around the poor Chorrillo neighborhood of Panama that Sebastian Zuniga knows things. Big things. Some think he’s prophetic. True, he knew about the invasion in 1989. And before that, Noriega’s double-cross. To Sebastian, there was nothing to it. All he did was listen to what his customers said while he made their favorite snow cones just a few blocks from the Presidential Palace. But now, he’s come to the attention of the most powerful man in Panama— General Herrera. Out of the blue, an assassin suddenly appears at Sebastian’s stand. The encounter sets in motion a game of wits. Sebastian, the old warrior, must use everything he’s learned during his lifetime to stop Panama from spiraling into anarchy, while saving his family and himself. The time is set. The World Series has started. Before it ends, only one will remain alive—Sebastian or the General. Is it possible for the books to be closed on a very nasty piece of Panamanian history and for peace to return to The Lost Paradise?”

The Southern Cross
Timothy G. Davis  More Info

Copper Penny
Timothy G. Davis  More Info

Day of the Ranger
Timothy G. Davis  More Info

According to the book description of Day of the Ranger, “In August 1993, Task Force Ranger lands in Mogadishu, Somalia. Their mission is to capture warlord Mohamed Aydiid. Tom Daniels and his partner Cat Randall, both members of First Special Forces Operational Detachment–Delta, spot Aydiid but are not allowed to assassinate him. The next day during a horrific close quarter battle, Cat is killed and Task Force Ranger is disbanded.


Tom is emotionally shattered after years of living on the brink of death, and the loss of his closest friend. He leaves Delta but secretly vows to finish what was started. A year later he receives a letter from Jon Croft, a former army buddy living in Panamá. Tom’s fiancée, Marta, allegedly killed during the invasion of Panamá, may still be alive. Tom and Jon travel deep into the jungles of South America to find out who is hiding Marta and why. Tom unwittingly follows a trail back to Africa and then the U.S. A dying man’s confession eventually leads him to a cloud forest in the mountains of Colombia where he comes face-to-face with his enemy, and the complete truth.”

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