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Richard A. Dixon

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Lieutenant Colonel Richard A. Dixon, USA (ret.) is the author of My Heroes Have Always Been Dogs.  According to the book description, “For those who love dogs, this story will draw a tear. It will also make them proud to love their dogs. These are the stories of five dogs that were extraordinary. Two of them accomplished heroic deeds in Vietnam and died for a country they never knew. The others were more than merely pets. They loved their human companions with a love that transcended ordinary human love, that in most cases is only a love in terms of what one receives in return for love given. These dogs loved their human companions with a perfect love, in the Freudian sense, for they asked nothing in return than that their human companions love them and cherish them for what they were—the dogs. These, then are their stories, the stories of my heroes, the dogs.

My Heroes Have Always Been Dogs
Richard A. Dixon  More Info


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