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Charlie Woods

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Charlie Woods is a former US Army Soldier, “retired law enforcement officer, firefighter and emergency medical technician. He is a member of the Fraternal Order of Police, the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the Disabled American Veteran’s, the Physically Challenged Bowhunters of America, and the Operation Injured Soldiers organization. Woods earned his bachelor’s degree in criminal law from Mercy College in Detroit. He lives in Kingston, Mich., with his high school sweetheart and wife of 45 years, and together they have two children and five grandchildren.”  Charlie Woods is the author of The Hand of God: "Epistle of Christ" (2 Corinthians 3:3).

According to the book description of The Hand of God: "Epistle of Christ" (2 Corinthians 3:3), “In this biography a man shares how he weathered boyhood bullies, fought in the Vietnam War, survived his own weaknesses, worked as a public servant, found the love of a woman, raised a family, and faced disabilities. Under the name tishimself, he speaks honestly of his journey from boyhood innocence, through a life of sin, to the day he was born again, accepting Jesus as his Savior, and finally to his days as a Christian. Telling this story with a conversational and unpretentious voice, The Hand of God shares the author's testimony and invites reflection upon how God's hand works its way in life, using "the good, the bad, and the ugly" to achieve godly ends, regardless of how far into the depths one may descend. Whether you are twenty-two or ninety-two, The Hand of God can help you hear the raw truth of human life and the amazing promise of eternal life that Jesus offers through faith in the saving power of His blood. If you are tempted to believe that you cannot be saved because of your sins, The Hand of God can show you how God offers life to all who believe in His Son.”


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