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Bob Battersby

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Bob Battersby "performed offshore assignments in Korea and Great Britain for the US Air Force for eight years. Originally from Long Island, he lived in Babylon and Valley Stream, New York, before moving west. He and his wife, Pat, are experienced travelers who live in a hilltop home in Mill Valley, California." Bob Battersby is the author of Babylon, DD4, and the Dancing Nun.

According to the book description of Babylon, DD4, and the Dancing Nun, "Fight never knew his father, but this doesn't stop him from seeking serious revenge when he hears his estranged dad is dead. Apparently, Fight's pop was bumped off by the city's biggest crime boss. It's a tall order to tackle a guy like that, but if Fight's got nothing else, he's certainly got principle. With a band of low-level criminals, Fight sets out on his mission for revenge. They go on a violent rampage to find the man responsible for Fight's father's death. Unfortunately, these rookies aren't as good as they'd like to think. Their exploits put them in the line of fire of yet another crime boss who they just happen to double cross. Now, Fight's life is a tightrope of lies and deceit. To stay alive-he has to stay one step ahead of both crime bosses-but how long will his luck last? With nothing to live for in a city shot to hell, Fight declares all-out war in the name of a father he never knew. He's not just fighting for principle anymore-he's fighting for his life."

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